What's new in Flexi 12
Bug Fixes

Service Pack 1 is a maintenance update addressing several issues.  For a full list of issues - click here.



• Files containing spot colors with empty names will now print correctly when sending from the RIP and Print dialog


• Fixed a crash that might occur when sending a print and cut file with masks


• QR codes now display and print correctly


• Fixed an issue with sending icc profiler targets in RGB 8 bit mode


• Combining purify gray with CleanColor no longer prints too light


• Production manager device icons have been updated


• Color bands with SO Diffusion and Smooth Gradients now print correctly


• Fixed an issue where certain PDF/PS would rip slower if the ignore overprint option was unchecked


• Cut after printing now works correctly on hybrid devices


• Fixed an issue with hybrid devices using registration marks where sometimes the bottom line of a contour path was not cut